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Anglo American Leadership Academy: Aligning Global Leadership Development to Strategy - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Amy Moore; Verity Hawarden; Hayley Pearson;
出版日期:2021/04/08內容長度:12 頁

Teaching note for product 9B21C013.

Anglo American Leadership Academy: Aligning Global Leadership Development to Strategy
作者姓名:Amy Moore; Verity Hawarden; Hayley Pearson;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B21C013
出版日期:2021/04/08內容長度:12 頁

In 2019, the head of leadership development for Anglo American plc (Anglo American), a global mining conglomerate, was reviewing the two years she had been working with the human resources (HR) leadership team to establish the company’s international Leadership Academy. Her task was to determine leadership development solutions that supported Anglo American’s strategy and to recommend how to resource, identify, develop, and retain the diverse talent .....more

Life Esidimeni: Life Esidimeni: A Fatally Flawed Health Care DeInstitutionalization Process - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Hayley Pearson; Natalie Van der Veen; Lulama Makhubela;
出版日期:2020/05/06內容長度:16 頁

Teaching note for product 9B20M098.

Life Esidimeni: A Fatally Flawed Health Care DeInstitutionalization Process
作者姓名:Hayley Pearson; Natalie Van der Veen; Lulama Makhubela;
商品類型:Case (Pub Mat)商品編號:9B20M098
出版日期:2020/05/06內容長度:16 頁

In 2015, the Department of Health for the province of Gauteng, South Africa, deinstitutionalized patients in need of long term health care in an effort to reduce costs. The residents were moved from an established health care facility experienced with providing the care these patients needed to non-governmental facilities. Many of these facilities were unlicensed and lacking the skills and resources needed to provide the necessary care. The project .....more